Monday, November 23, 2009

The joy of having a drive

Hello world!

I am just ecstatic how much better life is without the worries of when or how you are going to get your next fix. A life without drugs is a bliss and in a perfect world all people should realize this but they don't. Having goals set and acting on them is better than any high on this planet. Take it from me an EX-Drug Lover sees how pointless and useless it really is. It gets you high in your mind but brings you down in life. Suddenly nothing makes you smile or happy unless you are under the influence. Every step you take the drug is on your mind and this is not a way a person should live. People should have their natural emotions be able to bring them up without taking recreational drugs to do so. Please heed my warning and DO NOT go down the path of drugs as it will lead you to a dead end and lost on the path to happiness. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

Finding out what life is really about

Hello bright new world!,

I am finally sober after one year from the grip of painkillers, weed, and anything else you can name and I have never been happier! I am here to talk with people to show that someone cares and knows exactly what you are going through. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions as I will be on the site regularly checking for new comers who are curious and want help out of their addiction. Addiction is no joke and effects millions of Americans and people around the world. Please don't hesitate to talk to me as I will be able to tell you my story and how I got around the hurdles of the devil. You do not have to release your name to safeguard your name and reputation. Please I encourage you to tell about how you overcame or how you want to overcome your addiction! God bless all of you!